Latest CoE News
New CoE RAISE: Research on AI- and Simulation-Based Engineering at Exascale
RAISE, the new HPC European Centre of Excellence, is developing entirely new workflows to efficiently analyse and process big data on future exascale HPC systems.
PerMedCoE: HPC-enabled multiscale simulation helps uncover mechanistic insights of the SARS-CoV-2 infection
In this use case, PermedCoE’s main aim is to uncover mechanistic insights that could help in the fight against SARS-CoV-2. Researchers use Boolean models of signalling pathways, agent-based models for populations of cells and the communication among virus, epithelial host cells and immune cells.
Video of the Week: ChEESE Women in Science
ChEESE celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 by interviewing several of its women researchers. This video acknowledges their contributions and recognises their importance to earth sciences and to science in general.
EXCELLERAT: Increasing accuracy in the automotive field simulations
The aim of this use case is to use a posteriori error estimation to drive both mesh adaption and CAD morphing in an iterative process to produce an optimal design for a given output of interest.
ChEESE: Geomagnetic forecasts
The objective of this use case is to simulate and analyse the consequences of geomagnetic reversals with an unprecedented level of accuracy. These events are extremely rare in the history of our planet, hence the need to resort to numerical simulations to better understand the properties of reversals and their possible consequences for society.
ChEESE: Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA)
The objectives of this use case is to develop general concepts for enabling physics-based seismic hazard assessment with state-of-the-art multi-physics earthquake simulation software and conduct 3D physics-based seismic simulations to improve PSHA for validation scenarios provided by IMO (Iceland) and beyond.
ChEESE: Faster Than Real-Time Tsunami Simulations
The aim of this use case is to provide robust and very efficient numerical codes for faster-than-real-time Tsunami simulations that can be run in massively parallel multi-GPU architectures.
ChEESE: Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment (PVHA)
The objective of this use case is to provide innovative hazard maps with uncertainty, and overcoming the current limits of PVHA imposed so far by the high computational cost required to adequately simulate complex volcanic phenomena.
ChEESE: High-Resolution Volcanic Ash Dispersal Forecast
This pilot demonstrator is implementing an ensemble-based data assimilation system (workflow) combining the FALL3D dispersal model with high-resolution geostationary satellite retrievals in order to furnish high-resolution forecasts.
E-CAM: Mesoscale simulation of billion atom complex systems using thousands of GPGPUS’s
In collaboration with the UKRI STFC Daresbury Laboratory, E-CAM has developed a highly efficient version of DL_MESO, a software package for mesoscale simulations.
EXCELLERAT: Enabling parallel mesh adaptation with Treeadapt
Researchers developed a new application / library called Treeadapt for massively parallel mesh adaptation.
EXCELLERAT blog post: Screening the coding style of Large Fortran HPC Codes
Want to learn more about how to scan large Fortran legacy HPC codes for an improvement of coding style? Read the latest EXCELLERAT blog post about Flinter, a tool developed by EXCELLERAT for maintaining their core codes on the way to the Exascale level.