MAterials design at the eXascale

MaX-3 targets lighthouse codes for material simulations aimed at understanding, predicting, and discovering the properties and performance of materials. The aim is: to upscale the MaX codes and their performance to multiple heterogeneous exascale architectures; to endow these codes with innovative capabilities enabled by such architectures; to co-design the hardware and software in collaboration with the relevant European stakeholders; to enable turn-key simulation capabilities that meet the power of exascale resources and deliver the resilience needed; to disseminate the entire ecosystem of codes, workflows, and data; and to train and engage developers and users in fully leveraging such powerful instruments for discovery and innovation.
Materials are crucial to scientific and technological change and industrial competitiveness, as well as to address key societal challenges –from energy and environment, to health care, information and communications, industrial processes and manufacturing, safety and transportation. The mission of MAX is to develop the required technologies and make them available for large and growing base of researchers in the materials domain. We make possible the discovery and design of materials in frontier science, quantum research, and industrial technologies.
MAX is a coordinated effort of an outstanding team of European leaders in the materials domain, prominent European HPC centres, technology partners, and training & communication experts. MAX is proud to contribute to the long term EuroHPC strategy, widening the access to codes and engaging academic and industrial communities.
Join us through the MAX co-design activities and trainings for different levels of expertise to shape the future of materials science together.
Over the next decade HPC systems are expected to be capable of one exaflop (1018 operations per second) and to manage and analyse data sets up to one exabyte (1018 bytes). Imagine a future in which computer simulations are at least 1000 times faster and more workable: new materials, new ideas, new applications will be pushed ahead by an ever-increasing number of scientists, designers and entrepreneurs.
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