
Looking to gain a deeper insight into European high-performance computing? CASTIEL 2 compiled a CoE code white book which is provided as Excel as an intermediate solution, permitting to filter for CoE, code category and other fields.  >> Download here the Code table

Want to take a step back and look at the big European high-performance computing picture? Read our impact brochure about the EU HPC Centres of Excellence and answer the questions who, what, why, and what’s in it for Europe. >> Download the brochure [PDF]

The Centres of Excellence in HPC applications participated as exhibitors in online sectorial events in several scientific areas, from engineering to medicine. The lessons learned, feedbacks and useful tips for participating in such events or for organizing online thematic workshops and webinars are gathered in this booklet produced by FocusCoE for the CoEs  >> Download the booklet [PDF]

The Centres of Excellence in HPC applications participated as exhibitors in sectorial events. The lessons learned, feedbacks and useful tips to prepare CoEs participation in such events as exhibitors are gathered in this booklet produced by FocusCoE for the CoEsproduced by FocusCoE for the CoEs  >> Download the booklet [PDF]

The Centres of Excellence in HPC applications cover many scientific areas, from engineering to medicine.

The Centres of Excellence in HPC applications cover many scientific areas, from engineering to medicine. Scroll through this overview of the CoE’s services to find out more, or  >> Download the booklet [PDF]

Deliverables of CSA FocusCoE, Dec. 2018 - March 2022