For your consideration: This CoEs runtime has ended.
The project has been terminated and was in operation from 1 October 2020 until the end of 31 Dezember 2023.

PerMedCoE is the HPC/Exascale Centre of Excellence for Personalised Medicine in Europe and aims to provide an efficient and sustainable entry point to the HPC/Exascale-upgraded methodology to translate omics information into actionable models of cellular functions of medical relevance. Coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), this CoE has been awarded €5 million in funding from the European Commission and will run from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2023.
Latest PerMedCoE News
FocusCoE at EuroHPC Summit Week 2022
With the support of the FocusCoE project, almost all European HPC Centres of Excellence (CoEs) participated once again in the EuroHPC Summit Week (EHPCSW) this year in Paris, France: the first EHPCSW in person since 2019’s event in Poland.
FocusCoE Hosts Intel OneAPI Workshop for the EU HPC CoEs
On March 2, 2022 FocusCoE hosted Intel for a workshop introducing the oneAPI development environment. In all, over 40 researchers representing the EU HPC Centres of Excellence (CoEs) were able to attend the single day workshop to gain an overview of OneAPI.
On 17 November, 2021 Mariano Vasquez represented CompBioMed and PerMed CoE Centres of Excellence in an expert panel at the MEDICA Trade Fair’s Health IT Forum.
POP and PerMed Centers of Excellence are Getting Cell-Level Simulations Ready for Exascale
POP and PerMed Centers of Excellence are Getting Cell-Level Simulations Ready for Exascale Collaboration of CoEs workflow Success story #
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