

Advancing multiscale simulation and exascale computing

There is a way to improve ‘The Three P’s’ (performance, productivity and portability) for scientists working in the field of multiscale simulation. The EU-funded MultiXscale project will develop and distribute domain-relevant applications for (pre-)exascale technologies. This way, it will reduce the technical burden on application developers and allow them to focus on scientific innovation.

MultiXscale aims at increasing performance, productivity and portability in the domain of multiscale simulation. It couples the scientific expertise of the CECAM network, represented by leading experts in multiscale simulations from different European institutions, with the technical expertise of the EESSI collaboration, and targets the computational laboratories of EuroHPC and beyond. It will shoulder much of the technical burden of developing and distributing domain-relevant applications for
(pre-)exascale through application co-design for exascale technologies, and the provisioning of exascale-oriented libraries and services that nudge the community to adopt battle-tested, future-oriented, scalable workflows and portable technologies. These will allow application developers to pursue domain-relevant scientific innovation without being over-burdened by technical detail, and empower industrial and academic application users to painlessly adopt bleeding-edge technologies from the domain on whatever computational resource they may have access to.

FocusCoE at EuroHPC Summit Week 2022

With the support of the FocusCoE project, almost all European HPC Centres of Excellence (CoEs) participated once again in the EuroHPC Summit Week (EHPCSW) this year in Paris, France: the first EHPCSW in person since 2019’s event in Poland.

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Runtime: 01/2023 - 12/2026

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