Latest CoE News
CoEs at the Supercomputing 2020
Find out how the CoEs contribute to this year’s virtual Supercomputing Conference
From research to societal relevance: How ChEESE and urgent computing may enhance INGV´s hazard forecasting
Did you know that ChEESE is helping to dramatically improve near real-time hazard assessment and hazard forecasting services which will positively impact natural hazard observatories and warning centers in Europe?
New EXCELLERAT Service Portal
EXCELLERAT CoE has launched a redesigned service portal. By presenting a wide variety of resources in an easily-accessible format, the portal will play an essential role in EXCELLERAT’s mission to create a Centre of Excellence in Engineering.
EXCELLERAT newsletter #3 released
EXCELLERAT newsletter #3 released EXCELLERAT CoE released its third newsletter issue. Content includes: Success Story: Enabling parallel mesh adaptation with Treeadapt Blog article: how can engineers effectively leverage HPC technology?
High-performance computing challenge: How can engineers effectively leverage HPC technology?
Blog article: How can engineers effectively leverage HPC technology? October 13, 2020 In this blog article, EXCELLERAT experts present several use cases to demonstrate how HPC can be used effectively
HiDALGO Support Team
HiDALGO Support Team October 13, 2020 Looking for help or individual support? HiDALGO CoE provides a customer support and a community forum for users that want to dive a little
ESiWACE: Improving weather and climate forecasting with a new NEMO configuration
Develop a way to ease the profiling and benchmarking of NEMO for its versatile uses in order to increase the performance of this framework.
E-CAM: Designing control pulses for superconducting Qubit systems with local control theory
The aim of this pilot project was to develop a new method and dedicated software for designing control pulses to manipulate qubit systems.
EoCoE: Industry Sector – Renewable Energy
The goal of this project was to optimize and explore the scalability of simulations for next-generation wind turbines.
CompBioMed: Drug Discovery – Janssen Pharmaceutica NV
CompBioMed, Centre of Excellence in computational bio medicine,
worked together with Janssen Pharmacentica NV to improve the
molecular simulations in drug discovery.
Meeting the challenges of tomorrow – at SCALE
Meeting the challenges of tomorrow – at scale With the help of a multi-million funding programme for applications in High Performance Computing, the European Commission aims to address European societal,