MEDICA Trade Fair 2021

On 17 November, 2021 Mariano Vasquez represented CompBioMed and PerMed CoE Centres of Excellence in an expert panel at the MEDICA Trade Fair’s Health IT Forum. Despite the challenges of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the leading medical sector conference covering innovations in outpatient and clinical care was able to offer a 2021 hybrid conference with in-person attendance in Düsseldorf alongside virtual attendance from anywhere in the world. The Biomedical Experts Panel was comprised of professionals from imaging, data mining, data  sharing, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Overall, they broadly discussed why IT solutions aren’t yet widely used in clinical settings and what the major barriers to wider adoption are.

In addition to the unanimously cited barrier of awareness, Mariano Vasquez explained how CompBioMed and PerMed Centres of Excellence are overcoming the specific difficulties in making clinicians aware of HPC’s potential in healthcare. “Work directly with doctors and let them take the reins of our research. When the clinicians are leading the way, they develop awareness of HPC and AI potential.” He continued by highlighting that, “in the CoEs we have resources to create a pipeline for using these tools,” Such as CompBioMed including computational biomedicine in curriculums for medical students.

Beyond awareness, all panel members indicated the further need for support from regulatory, legal, and clinical leadership stakeholders particularly in the case of the newest technologies like artificial intelligence. In the case of tools running off-site on HPC systems Mariano emphasized, “If you get the regulatory bodies saying the tools are ok, then the doctors and our customers like biomedical companies […]can start using the tools.”

Once an IT solution has awareness and hopefully broad stakeholder support, however, the next biggest challenge is training. In particular, Mariano highlighted how training for both clinicians and IT researchers is vital to building a common language for communication about IT solutions. “It’s like I have a hammer and the doctor has a nail and we need to link them. If the doctor’s never seen a hammer, he can’t know what to do with it even if the nail is in front of his nose.” When a researcher with perhaps a physics background shows something to a clinician, it is essential that the researcher understands the clinical problem, that both researcher and clinician can communicate about the solution in clinical terms, and that the clinician can provide feedback on the technology’s use.

In conclusion, all panel members made a call to unified action. As summarized by Mariano, “This is not science fiction, it is science […]This is something at hand now.” IT solutions exist but need support across stakeholder groups from researchers, to clinicians, through IT departments, and including leadership.

To the audience of health care professionals, Mariano encouraged, “Contact us. Don’t be shy!”

For more on the panel, log on and watch via the MEDICA On Demand Livestreams portal until 31 March, 2022.

For more on activities of the European Centres of Excellence such as CompBioMed and PerMed CoE, subscribe to our newsletter!

GPU Bootcamps and Hackathons 2022

GPU acceleration is a key feature of many modern supercomputers. Therefore, a series of GPU hackathons and bootcamps, many of which are organized by partner institutions of European Centres of Excellence for High-Performance Computing and National Competence Centres, will take place throughout Europe again this year. The following (and many more) hackathons and bootcamps will be hosted in a hybrid or purely digital format:

The hackathons and bootcamps are multi-day intensive hands-on events designed to help scientists, researchers, and developers to accelerate and optimize their applications for GPUs using libraries, OpenACC, CUDA and other tools by pairing participants with dedicated mentors experienced in GPU programming and development. 

Representing distinguished scholars and pre-eminent institutions around the world, these teams of mentors and attendees work together to realize performance gains and speed-ups by taking advantage of parallel programming on GPUs.

Applications can be submitted at

Image of person typing on laptop

NAFEMS 2021 World Congress

In the last week of October, nearly 950 participants from industry and academia gathered for the International Association for the Engineering Modeling, Analysis and Simulation 2021 World Congress (NWC21). Originally planned as a hybrid event, all programming unfortunately had to be shifted online. However, this year’s Congress was also held in conjunction with the 5th International SPDM (Simulation Process & Data Management) Conference, the NAFEMS Multiphysics Simulation Conference, and a dedicated Automotive CAE Symposium. 

Unsurprisingly, the online and truly globally accessible conference also attracted a record breaking over 550 abstract submissions. Among those accepted, EXCELLERAT and POP Centres of Excellence gave five 20-minute presentations ranging from improving airplane simulations to improving the new user HPC experience. Throughout the week Monday – Thursday, representatives from EXCELLERAT, POP, and FocusCoE also presented more general videos and materials on current projects at their 3D interactive virtual booth. This year, we welcomed over 100 visitors to the booth, and the completely new NAFEMS World of Engineering Simulation 3D experience had up to 600 conference participants strolling the virtual exhibition hall at any given time. 

Beginning on Tuesday the 26th, Ricard Borrell presented Airplane Simulations on Heterogeneous Pre-Exascale Architectures on behalf of EXCELLERAT CoE. He used the example of improved airplane aerodynamics simulations to discuss how their Alya code is preparing researchers to fully utilise the next generation of Exascale HPC systems and their heterogeneous hardware architectures. Without codes optimised like Alya, current HPC codes wouldn’t be capable of running in parallel on different types of processors to the extent that new Exascale systems will require. Thus, they would use only a fraction of the speed and processing power available at Exascale.

Continuing in this theme, Amgad Dessoky presented an overview of how the EXCELLERAT Centre of Excellence is Paving the Way for the Development to Exascale Multiphysics Simulations including the 6 computational codes they are optimizing for Exascale: Nek5000, Alya, AVBP, TPLS, FEniCS, and Coda. Using automotive, aerospace, energy, and manufacturing industrial sector use cases, he described the common challenges for developers and potential users of HPC Exascale applications. Participants were also invited to discuss how EXCELLERAT can best support the needs and required competencies of the Multiphysics simulation community going forward.

One of these required competencies is the ability to understand and improve the performance bottlenecks of parallel codes. In answer, Federico Panichi presented a talk titled Improving the Performance of Engineering Codes on behalf of the Performance Optimisation and Productivity (POP) Centre of Excellence. The set of hierarchical metrics forming the POP performance assessment methodology cuts out the time-consuming trial and error process of code optimisation by identifying issues such as memory bottlenecks, communication inefficiencies, and load imbalances. He demonstrated with the example of optimised engineering codes how POP services could enable any EU or UK academic or commercial organisation to speed up time to solution, solve larger, more challenging problems or reduce compute costs free of charge.

On Wednesday the 27th, presentations continued with Christian Gscheidle representing EXCELLERAT and A Flexible and Efficient In-situ Data Analysis Framework for CFD Simulations. Because Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations Increasingly produce far more data than they can save in real time, researchers often see final analysis results and lose the intermediate data. It also means that they must wait until the full simulation runs before being able to make any improvements. In contrast, he presented the EXCELLERAT tool that uses machine learning to perform in-situ analyses on data produced during large-scale simulations in real time so that researchers can see intermediate results and early trends. Using this tool, an example HVAC duct from an automotive set up use case showed a reduced compute time because researchers were able to abort simulations with unwanted behaviour.

Wrapping up the presentations, Janik Schüssler presented Creating Connections: Enabling High Performance Computing for Industry through a Data Exchange & Workflow Platform on behalf of EXCELLERAT. Continuing in the theme of the previous presentations, this tool addresses the needs and competencies of current and potential HPC users, albeit in a slightly different way. As discussed in the talk, where other tools or trainings work to develop HPC competencies in the user, this prototype platform would bring HPC to the user both in terms of competencies and location. The user would be able to remotely access clusters (currently both HLRS Hawk and Vulcan) from anywhere using an authorised device. Additionally, they would be able to run simulations in the web front end without any command line interactions, which can have a steep learning curve for new users. Ultimately, the savings in logistical coordination, travel, and training time would drastically lower the entry barrier to HPC use.

If you’re interested in following how EXCELLERAT, POP, and all the European HPC Centres of Excellence are preparing us for Exascale and improving the HPC user experience, sign up for our newsletters:


POP CoE Newsletter

Focus CoE Newsletter (for coverage of all European HPC CoEs)

POP and PerMed Centers of Excellence are Getting Cell-Level Simulations Ready for Exascale

Collaboration of CoEs workflow

Success story # Highlights:

  • Industry sector: Computational biology
  • Key codes used: PhysiCell
  • Keywords:
    • Memory management
    • Cell-cell interaction simulation
    • OpenMP
    • Good practice

Organisations & Codes Involved:

Technical Challenge:

One of PerMedCoE’s use cases is the study of tumour evolution based on single-cell omics and imaging using PhysiCell. In order to simulate such large-scale problems that replicate real-world tumours, High Performance Computing (HPC) is essential. However, memory usage presents a challenge in HPC architectures and is one of the obstacles to optimizing simulations for running at Exascale.

With a high number of threads computing in parallel, performance can be degraded because of concurrent memory allocations and deallocations.  We observe that as the number of threads goes up, runtime is not reduced as expected. This is not a memory-bound problem, but a memory management one.


Following the POP methodology and using the BSC tools (Extrae, Paraver, and BasicAnalysis), we determine that an overloading of a specific implementation of C++ operators is causing a high number of concurrent memory allocations and deallocations, causing the memory management library to perform synchronization and “steal” cycles of CPU from the running application.

The proposal from POP is to avoid the overloading of operators that need allocation and deallocation of data structures. However, achieving this implies a major code change. To demonstrate the potential of the suggestion without doing the major code change, we suggest using an external library to improve the memory management: Jemalloc.

Jemalloc is “a general purpose malloc implementation that emphasizes fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support” [1]. It can be integrated easily into any code by preloading the library, with LD_PRELOAD in Linux for example. After applying this solution to PhysiCell, we execute the same experiment and obtain a 1.45x speed up when using 48 OpenMP threads.

[1] cited from Jemalloc website.

Business impact:

As the only transversal CoE, one of POP’s objectives is to advise and help the other HPC CoEs prepare their codes for the Exascale. This collaboration between POP and PerMed is a good example of the potential of these kinds of partnerships between CoEs.

POP provides the performance analysis expertise and tools, the experience of hundreds of codes analysed, and the best practices gathered from those analyses. PerMedCoE bring state of the art use cases and real-world problems to be solved. Together, they improve the performance and efficiency of cell-level agent-based simulation software: in this case PhysiCell.

One of the goals of PerMedCoE is the scaling-up of four different tools that address different types of simulations in personalized medicine and that were coded in different languages (C++, R, python, julia). These tools are being re-factored to scale up to Exascale. In this scaling-up, audits such as the ones POP can offer are essential to evaluate past developments and guide future ones.

Currently, only one of PerMed’s tools is able to use several nodes to run a single simulation, whereas the rest of the tools can only use all of the processors of a single node. Our scaling-up strategy is a heterogeneous one.  We are implementing MPI on some tools, re-factoring others to other languages that can ease the use of HPC clusters such as Julia, or even targeting “many-task computing“ paradigms like in the case of model fitting.

The main motivation to have HPC versions of these simulation tools is to be able to simulate bigger, more complex cell-level agent-based models. Current models can obtain up to 10^6 cells, but it has been proven that most of the problems addressed in computational biology (cancerogenesis, cell lines growth, COVID-19 infection) usually target from 10^9 to 10^12 cells. In addition, most of these current simulations consider an over-simplified environment that is nowhere close to a real-life scenario. We aim to have complex multi-scale simulation frameworks that target these bigger, more complex simulations.


  • Speedup of 1.45x on runtime with 48 threads in PhysiCell execution
  • A good practice for High Performance C++ applications exported
  • This behaviour in memory management systems will be detected more easily in future analysis

Excellerat Success Story: Bringing industrial end-users to Exascale computing: An industrial level combustion design tool on 128K cores

CoE involved:

Strong scaling for turbulent channel (tri) and rocket engine simulations (circle). Performance (symbols) versus ideal (line) acceleration.

Success story # Highlights:​

  • Exascale
  • Industry sector: Aerospace
  • Key codes used: AVBP

Organisations & Codes Involved:

CERFACS is a theoretical and applied research centre, specialised in modelling and numerical simulation. Through its facilities and expertise in High Performance Computing (HPC), CERFACS deals with major scientific and technical research problems of public and industrial interest.

GENCI (Grand Equipement National du Calcul Intensif) is the French High-Performance Computing (HPC)  National Agency in charge of promoting and acquiring HPC, Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities, and massive data storage resources.

Cellule de Veille technologique GENCI (CVT) is an interest group focused on technology watch in High Performance Computing (HPC) pulling together French public research, CEA, INRIA among Others. It offers first time access to novel architectures and access to technical support towards preparing the codes for the near future of HPC.

AVBP is a parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code that solves the three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes on unstructured and hybrid grids. Its main area of application is the modelling of unsteady reacting flows in combustor configurations and turbomachines. The prediction of unsteady turbulent flows is based on the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach that has emerged as a prospective technique for problems associated with time dependent phenomena and coherent eddy structures.


Some physical processes like soot formation are so CPU intensive and non deterministic that their predictive modelling is out of reach today, limiting our insights to ad hoc correlations, and preliminary assumptions. Moving these runs to Exascale level will allow simulation longer by orders of magnitudes, achieving the compulsory statistical convergence required for a design tool.

The complexity at the code level to unlock node level and system level performance is challenging and requires code porting, optimisation and algorithm refactoring on various architectures in the way to enable Exascale performance. 



Single core performance for a Karman street simulation measures via gprof


In order to prepare the AVBP code to architectures that were not available at the start of the EXCELLERAT project, CERFACS teamed up with the CVT from GENCI, Arm, AMD and the EPI project to port, benchmark and (when possible) optimise the AVBP code for Arm and AMD architectures. This collaboration ensures an early access to these new architectures and prime information to prepare our codes for the wide spread availability of systems equipped with these processors. The AVBP developers got access to the IRENE AMD system of PRACE at TGCC with support from AMD and Atos, which allowed to characterise the application on this architecture and create a predictive model on how the different features of the processor (frequency, bandwidth) could affect the performance of the code. They were also able to port the code to flavors of Arm processors singling out compiler dependency and identify performance bottlenecks to be investigated before large systems become available in Europe.

Business impact:

The AVBP code was ported and optimised for the TGCC/GENCI/PRACE system Joliot-CURIE ROME with excellent strong and weak scaling performance up to 128,000 cores and 32,000 cores respectively. These optimisations impacted directly four PRACE projects on this same system on the following call for proposals.

Beside AMD processors, the EPI project and GENCI’s CVT as well as EPCC (EXCELLERAT’s partner) provided access to Arm based clusters respectively based on Marvell ThunderX2 (Inti Prototype hosted and operated by CEA) and Hi1616 (early silicon from Huawei) architectures. This access provided important feedback on code portability using the Arm and gcc compilers, single processor and strong scaling performance up to 3072 cores.

Results from this collaboration have been included on the Arm community blog [1]. A white paper on this collaboration is underway with GENCI and CORIA CNRS.

Benefits for further research:

  • Code ready for the wide spread access of the Rome Architecture.
  • Strong and weak scaling measurements up to 128,000 cores
  • Initial optimisations for Arm architectures
Code characterisation on AMD Epyc 2 for AVBP

Excellerat Success Story: Enabling High Performance Computing for Industry through a Data Exchange & Workflow Portal

CoE involved:

Success story # Highlights:

  • Keywords:
    • Data Transfer
    • Data Management
    • Data Reduction
    • Automatisation, Simplification
    • Dynamic Load Balancing
    • Dynamic Mode Decomposition
    • Data Analytics
    • combustor design
  • Industry sector: Aeronautics
  • Key codes used: Alya


Organisations & Codes Involved:

As an IT service provider, SSC-Services GmbH develops individual concepts for cooperation between companies and customer-oriented solutions for all aspects of digital transformation. Since 1998, the company, based in Böblingen (Germany), has been offering solutions for the technical connection and cooperation of large companies and their suppliers or development partners. The corporate roots lie in the management and exchange of data of all types and sizes.

RWTH Aachen University is the largest technical university of Germany. The Institute of Aerodynamics of RWTH Aachen University possesses extensive expertise in the simulation of turbulent flows, aeroacoustics and high-performance computing. For more than 18 years large-eddy simulations with an advanced analysis of the large scale simulation data are successfully performed for various applications.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) is the national supercomputing centre in Spain. BSC specialises in High Performance Computing (HPC) and manages MareNostrum IV, one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe. BSC is at the service of the international scientific community and of industry that requires HPC resources. The Computing Applications for Science and Engineering (CASE) Department from BSC is involved in this application providing the application case and the simulation code for this demonstrator.

The code used for this application is the high performance computational mechanics code Alya from BSC designed to solve complex coupled multi-physics / multi-scale / multi-domain problems from the engineering realm. Alya was specially designed for massively parallel supercomputers, and the parallelization embraces four levels of the computer hierarchy. 1) A substructuring technique with MPI as the message passing library is used for distributed memory supercomputers. 2) At the node level, both loop and task parallelisms are considered using OpenMP as an alternative to MPI. Dynamic load balance techniques have been introduced as well to better exploit computational resources at the node level. 3) At the CPU level, some kernels are also designed to enable vectorization. 4) Finally, accelerators like GPU are also exploited through OpenACC pragmas or with CUDA to further enhance the performance of the code on heterogeneous computers. Alya is one of the only two CFD codes of the Unified European Applications Benchmark Suite (UEBAS) as well as the Accelerator benchmark suite of PRACE.

Technical Challenge:

SSC is developing a secure data exchange and transfer platform as part of the EXCELLERAT project to facilitate the use of high-performance computing (HPC) for industry and to make data transfer more efficient. Today, organisations and smaller industry partners face various problems in dealing with HPC calculations, HPC in general, or even access to HPC resources. In many cases, the calculations are complex and the potential users do not have the necessary expertise to fully exploit HPC technologies without support. The developed data platform will be able to simplify or, at best, eliminate these obstacles.

Figure 1: Data Roundtrip with an EXCELLERAT use case

The data roundtrip starts with a user at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center that wants to simulate the Alyafiles. Therefore, the user uploads the corresponding files through the data exchange and workflow platform and selects Hawk at HLRS as a simulation target. After the files have been simulated, RWTH Aachen starts the post-processing process at HLRS. In the end the user downloads the post processed data through the platform.

With the increasing availability of computational resources, high-resolution numerical simulations have become an indispensable tool in fundamental academic research as well as engineering product design. A key aspect of the engineering workflow is the reliable and efficient analysis of the rapidly growing high-fidelity flow field data. RWTH develops a modal decomposition toolkit to extract the energetically and dynamically important features, or modes, from the high-dimensional simulation data generated by the code Alya. These modes enable a physical interpretation of the flow in terms of spatio-temporal coherent structures, which are responsible for the bulk of energy and momentum transfer in the flow. Modal decomposition techniques can be used not only for diagnostic purposes, i.e. to extract dominant coherent structures, but also to create a reduced dynamic model with only a small number of degrees of freedom that approximates and anticipates the flow field. The modal decomposition will be executed on the same architecture as the main simulation. Besides providing better physical insights, this will reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred back to the user.

Scientific Challenge:

Highly accurate, turbulence scale resolving simulations, i.e. large eddy simulations and direct numerical simulations, have become indispensable for scientific and industrial applications. Due to the multi-scale character of the flow field with locally mixed periodic and stochastic flow features, the identification of coherent flow phenomena leading to an excitation of, e.g., structural modes is not straightforward. A sophisticated approach to detect dynamic phenomena in the simulation data is a reduced-order analysis based on dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) or proper orthogonal decomposition (POD).

In this collaborative framework, DMD is used to study unsteady effects and flow dynamics of a swirl-stabilised combustor from high-fidelity large-eddy simulations. The burner consists of plenum, fuel injection, mixing tube and combustion chamber. Air is distributed from the plenum into a radial swirler and an axial jet through a hollow cone. Fuel is injected into a plenum inside the burner through two ports that contain 16 injection holes of 1.6 mm diameter located on the annular ring between the cone and the swirler inlets. The fuel injected from the small holes at high velocity is mixed with the swirled air and the axial jet along a mixing tube of 60 mm length with a diameter of D = 34 mm. At the end of the mixing tube, the mixture expands over a step change with a diameter ratio of 3.1 into a cylindrical combustion chamber. The burner operates at Reynolds number Re = 75,000 with pre-heated air at T_air = 453 K and hydrogen coming at T_H2 = 320 K. The numerical simulations have been conducted on a hybrid unstructured mesh including prisms, tetrahedrons and pyramids, and locally refined in the regions of interest with a total of 63 million cells.


The developed Data Exchange & Workflow Portal will be able to simplify or even eliminate these obstacles. First activities have already started. The new platform enables users to easily access the two HLRS clusters, Hawk and Vulcan, from any authorised device and to run their simulations remotely. The portal provides relevant HPC processes for the end users, such as uploading input decks, scheduling workflows, or running HPC jobs.

In order to be able to perform data analytics, i.e. modal decomposition, of the large amounts of data that arise from Exascale simulations, a modal decomposition toolkit has been developed. An efficient and scalable parallelisation concept based on MPI and LAPACK/ScaLAPACK has been used to perform modal decompositions in parallel on large data volumes. Since DMD and POD are data-driven decomposition techniques, the time resolved data has to be read for the whole time interval to be analysed. To handle the large amount of input and output, the software tool has been optimised to effectively read and write the time resolved snapshot data parallelly in time and space. Since different solution data formats are utilised by the computational fluid dynamics community, a flexible modular interface has been developed to easily add data formats of other simulation codes.

The flow field of the investigated combustor exhibits a self-excited flow oscillation known as a precessing vortex core (PVC) at a dimensionless Strouhal Number of Sr=0.55, which can lead to inefficient fuel consumption, high level of noise and eventually combustion hardware damage. To analyse the dynamics of the PVC, DMD is used to extract the large-scale coherent motion from the turbulent flow field characterised by a manifold of different spatial and temporal scales shown in Figure 2 (left). The instantaneous flow field of the turbulent flame is visualised by an iso-surface of the Q-criterion coloured by the absolute velocity. The DMD analysis is performed on the three-dimensional velocity and pressure field using 2000 snapshots. The resulting spectrum of the DMD, showing the amplitude of each mode as a function of the dimensionless frequency is given in Figure 2 (top). One dominant mode, marked by a red dot, at Sr=0.55 matching the dimensionless frequency of the PVC is clearly visible. The temporal reconstruction of the extracted DMD mode showing the extracted PVC vortex is illustrated in Figure 2 (right). It shows the iso-surface of the Q-criterion coloured by the radial velocity.

Scientific impact of this result:

The Data Exchange & Workflow Portal is a mature solution for providing seamless and secure access to high-performance computing resources by end users. The innovative thing about the solution is that it combines the know-how about secure data exchange with an HPC platform. This is fundamental because the combination of know-how provision and secure data exchange between HPC and SMEs is unique. Especially the web interface is very easy to use and many tasks are automated, which leads to a simplification of the whole HPC complex and there is an easier entry for HPC engineers.

In addition, the data reduction programming technology ensures a more intelligent, faster transfer of files. There will be a highly increased performance speed when transferring the same data sets over and over. If the file is already known by the system and there is no need to transfer it again. Only the changed parts need to be exchanged.

The developed data analytics, i.e. modal decomposition, toolkit provides an efficient and user-friendly way to analyse simulation data and extract energetically and dynamically important features, or modes, from complex, high-dimensional flows. To address a broad user community having different backgrounds and expertise in HPC applications, a server/client structure has been implemented allowing an efficient workflow. Using this structure, the actual modal decomposition is done on the server running in parallel on the HPC cluster which is connected via TCP with the graphical user interface (client) running on the local machine. To efficiently visualise the extracted modes and reconstructed flow fields without writing large amounts of data to disk, the modal decomposition server can be connected to a ParaView server/client configuration via Catalyst enabling in-situ visualisation.  

Finally, this demonstrator shows an integrated HPC-based solution that can be used for burner design and optimisation using high-fidelity simulations and data analytics through an interactive workflow portal with an efficient data exchange and data transfer strategy.

Benefits for further research:

  • Higher HPC customer retention due to less complex HPC environment
  • Reduction of HPC complexity due to web frontend
  • Shorter training phases for inexperienced users and reduced support effort for HPC centres
  • Calculations can be started from anywhere with a secure connection
  • Time and cost savings due to a high degree of automation that streamlines the process chain
  • Efficient and user-friendly post-processing/ data analytics
Figure 2: DMD analysis performed on the flow field of a turbulent flame. Instantaneous flow field (left), Spectrum of the DMD (top), Reconstruction of the dominant DMD-mode (right).

Submit your proposal to the second FF4EuroHPC Open Call to benefit from the use of advanced HPC services

19. July 2021

The FF4EuroHPC project started at the beginning of September 2020. As a part of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, under the auspices of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program, has been awarded a three-year grant of EUR 9.9 million to start a new European consortium, called FF4EuroHPC.

The key concept behind FF4EuroHPC is to demonstrate to European SMEs ways to optimize their performance with the use of advanced HPC (High Performance Computing) services (e.g., modelling & simulation, data analytics, machine-learning and AI, and possibly combinations thereof) and thereby take advantage of these innovative ICT solutions for business benefit.

Two open calls had been organised by the project, with the aim to create two tranches of application experiments within diverse industry sectors. The first Open Call was successful; 68 high-quality submissions involving 202 partners from 25 European countries (plus Canada) were received, and 16 experiments were selected for funding in an evaluation process involving 37 external reviewers.

The open call will target experiments of the highest quality, involving innovative, agile SMEs with work plans built around innovation objectives, arising from the use of advanced HPC services. Experiments present the heart of the project and will be the main outputs of FF4EuroHPC, which is a successor of the Fortissimo and Fortissimo2 projects.

Proposals are sought that address business challenges from European SMEs covering varied application domains, preference being given to engineering and manufacturing, or sectors able to demonstrate fast economic growth or particular economic impact for Europe. Priority will be given to consortia centred on SMEs that are new to the use of advanced HPC services.The second Open Call was opened on 22nd June 2021 and will be closed on 29th September 2021. The indicative total funding budget is € 5 Mio.

>> More information is provided on the project webpage

CoEs at Teratec Forum 2021 and ISC21

15. June 2021

With the support of FocusCoE, a number of HPC CoEs will give short presentations at the virtual PRACE booth in the following two HPC-related events: Teratec Forum 2021 and ISC2021 that will take place towards the end of this month. See the schedule below for more details. Please reserve the slots in your calendars, registration details will be provided on the PRACE website soon!

“We are happy to see that FocusCoE was able to help the HPC CoEs to have a significant presence at this year’s editions of ISC and Teratec Forum, two major HPC events, enabled through our good synergies with PRACE”, says Guy Lonsdale, FocusCoE coordinator.


Teratec Forum 2021 schedule

Date / Event

Time slot CEST




Tue 22 June

11:00 – 11:15

EoCoE-II: Towards exascale for Energy

Edouard Audit, EoCoE-II coordinator

CEA (France)


14:30 – 14:45

POP CoE: Free Performance Assessments for the HPC Community

Bernd Mohr

 Jülich Supercomputing Centre

 Thu 24 June

13:45 – 14:00

EXCELLERAT – paving the way for the evolution towards Exascale

Amgad Dessoky / Sophia Honisch



ISC 2021 schedule

Date / Event

Time slot CEST




 Thu 24 June

13:45 – 14:00

EXCELLERAT – paving the way for the evolution towards Exascale

Amgad Dessoky / Sophia Honisch


Fri 25 June

11:00 – 11:15

The Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE)

Alice-Agnes Gabriel

Geophysik, University of Munich


15:30 – 15:45

EoCoE-II: Towards exascale for Energy

Edouard Audit, EoCoE-II coordinator

CEA (France)

Tue 29 June

11:00 – 11:15

Towards a maximum utilization of synergies of HPC Competences in Europe

Bastian Koller, HLRS


Wed 30 June

10:45 -11:00

RAISE: Bringing AI to Exascale

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Lintermann

Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

Thu 1 July

11:00 -11:15

POP CoE: Free Performance Assessments for the HPC Community

Bernd Mohr

 Jülich Supercomputing Centre


14:30 -14:45

 TREX: an innovative view of HPC usage applied to Quantum Monte Carlo simulations

 Anthony Scemama (1), William Jalby (2), Cedric Valensi (2), Pablo de Oliveira Castro (2)

(1) Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, CNRS-Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

(2) Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Université Paris Saclay, France


Please register to the short presentations through the PRACE event pages here:

PRACE Virtual booth at Teratec Forum  2021PRACE Virtual booth at ISC2021

GPU Hackathons in Europe 2021

Many of the recently installed as well as the upcoming supercomputers will be GPU-accelerated. 

Throughout this year there will be multiple GPU Hackathons taking place in Europe, many of them organized by institutions that are also involved as partners in one or more European Centres of Excellence for High-Performance Computing. For the time being, all of the Hackathons will be virtual:


The hackathons are four day intensive hands-on events designed to help computational scientists port their applications to GPUs using libraries, OpenACC, CUDA and other tools by pairing participants with dedicated mentors experienced in GPU programming and development. 

Representing distinguished scholars and pre-eminent institutions around the world, these teams of mentors and attendees work together to realize performance gains and speed-ups by taking advantage of parallel programming on GPUs.

Applications can be submitted at

JUWELS Booster (c) Forschungszentrum Jülich / Wilhelm-Peter Schneider

Latest CoE News

NAFEMS 2021 World Congress

NAFEMS 2021 World Congress In the last week of October, nearly 950 participants from industry and academia gathered for the International Association for the Engineering Modeling, Analysis and Simulation 2021

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SIMAI 2021

SIMAI 2021 The 2020 edition of the bi-annual congress of the Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI) has been held in Parma, hosted by the University of Parma,

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