IPDPS is an international forum for engineers and scientists from around the world to present their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel computation. In addition to technical sessions of submitted paper presentations, the meeting offers workshops, tutorials, and commercial presentations & exhibits.

IPDPS represents a unique international gathering of computer scientists from around the world. Now, more than ever, we prize this annual meeting as a testament to the strength of international cooperation in seeking to apply computer science technology to the betterment of our global village.

ISC High Performance is focused on bringing the most critical developments and trends in HPC, machine learning, and high performance data analytics to conference attendees. Be it the conference program or the exhibition, the emphasis is on how to successfully apply these technologies in science, engineering and commerce.

The HPC landscape is changing to the demands of industry and science. As an event, ISC High Performance acknowledges and caters this change by bringing together HPC practitioners, users, and vendors to engage in discussions on technologies that didn’t seem possible a short time ago.

As a community we are TRANSFORMING THE FUTURE!

Hosted by FocusCoE, this workshop within the EuroHPC Summit Week 2021 will include a first introductory part with a the HPC competence centers followed by a discussion panel titled “Applications Support in EuroHPC – Status and Future“.


13:30 – 13:40 FocusCoE welcome and introduction Guy Lonsdale (Scapos)
13:40 – 14:30 Preparing European Applications for the Exascale Era – Successes and Perspectives from the HPC Centres of Excellence Edouard Audit, CEA & EoCoE
14:30 – 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 – 15:55 Panel: Applications Support in EuroHPC – Status and Future

 Subtitle: „Centres of Excellence in Context“


Elisa Molinari, Univ. Modena & MAX, RIAG

Sinead Ryan, Trinity College Dublin & INFRAG

Edouard Audit, CEA & EoCoE

Bastian Koller, HLRS & Excellerat, EuroCC/CASTIEL

Joost VandeVondele, CSCS & MAX, RIAG, PRACE 

Daniel Opalka, EuroHPC

Juan Pelegrin, European Commission

Moderator: Erwin Laure, MPCDF & FocusCoE
15:55 – 16:00 Wrap-up and farewell Guy Lonsdale (Scapos)

Register to this event here: https://na.eventscloud.com/ereg/newreg.php?eventid=559438&

The HiPEAC conference 2021 will take place in January 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.

The HiPEAC Computing System week will take place in 14-16th October 2020 in Tampere, Finland.

The ICEI/Fenix project is excited to announce the 2nd free-of-charge Fenix Infrastructure Webinar “How to exploit ICEI scalable computing services” to take place on Tuesday 10 December at 15:00 CET. Read all the details below and register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0bm1cWWSS_O_4ihNf6EZ6w

Date and Time: Tuesday 10 December 15:00-16:00 CET

Cost: Free of charge

Speaker: Sadaf Alam, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS)

Description: The goal of this webinar is to introduce participants to the Fenix Scalable Computing Services (SCC). It will provide details on the ICEI infrastructure for SCC at the Swiss National Supercomputing Computing Centre (CSCS). A dedicated Q&A time will allow for questions at the end of the webinar. Information on the available resources can be found at: https://fenix-ri.eu/infrastructure/resources/available-resources

Who should attend?

  • HPC infrastructure users
  • Neuroscientists
  • Application and platform developers
  • Workflow engineers

Main takeaways

  • Usage details of a large-scale hybrid and heterogeneous scalable computing services
  • Opportunities for tuning and optimisation for users and platform developers


  • Overview Piz Daint ecosystem (10 min)

        computing, storage & networking

        programming environment (compiler, math libraries, MPI, debugging and performance tools)

        resource management and scheduling

        data transfer and management

        HPC and data science tools and frameworks

  • Selected examples and how-tos (10 min)

        job submission, querying and user level tools

        compiling, profiling and debugging

        storage orchestration

  • Itemised list of projects from the Human Brain Project highlighting usage of Piz Daint in workflows (5 min)
  • Questions & Answers (20 min)

The webinar will be recorded and the full recording will be available on the Fenix Webinars page soon after it takes place. Register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0bm1cWWSS_O_4ihNf6EZ6w

On September 9, 2019, Guest Lecturer Rosemary Francis will explain common I/O problems and best practices to implement easy performance wins in the 11th POP Guest Webinar – Implementing I/O Best Practices to Improve System Performance with Ellexus. She will outline I/O profiling for improving application performance as well as I/O monitoring for improving HPC system performance through good application deployment.

Register at: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1431504066316502018

The conference will address all aspects of the rapidly burgeoning domain of computational biomedicine, from genome through organ to whole human and population levels, embracing data driven, mechanistic modelling and simulation, machine learning and combinations thereof. We welcome contributions from academic, clinical and industrial participants alike.

European Research and Innovation Days include the following events:

The Policy Conference brings together high-level policy-makers, leaders from industry, finance, academia and the entrepreneurial community to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape. It covers vital areas of science, engineering, medicine, and wider social and environmental concerns.

The Innovative Europe Hub is a unique meeting and matchmaking space for innovators, investors, entrepreneurs and the whole range of services, businesses, civil society organisations, agencies and intermediaries that make European science technology so dynamic.

Free and open to everybody, ‘Science is Wonderful!’ brings the world of science to the public. Fighting cancer, slowing down global warming, preventing hunger and drought, facilitating human life in space – it’s all part of the variety of activities schools, families and young people can discover at the event.

MAX CoE participates in the Graphene Week 2019 with the following workshop and session:

  1. Graphene Flagship – MaX joint workshop on “High performance computing for 2D materials research” Parallel Session on Tuesday, 24 September 2019 (15.30-18.00) + Poster Session (18.00-20.00)
    Chairs: Elisa Molinari – director of MaX Center,  Vladimir Falko – Director of NGI
  2. Policy session: “European HPC initiatives and 2D materials research: collaborating and funding opportunities” on Tuesday, 24 September 2019 (14:30-15:30)