Each year, SC provides the leading technical program for professionals and students in the HPC community, as measured by impact, at the highest academic and professional standards.

The Program is designed to share best practices in areas such as: algorithms; applications; architectures and networks; clouds and distributed computing; data analytics, visualization, and storage; machine learning and HPC; performance; programming systems; system software; and state of the practice in large-scale deployment and integration.

The AI Web Café provides the users with possibilities to participate virtually in live sessions with experts on specific AI domain or areas of interests. FocusCoE project will participate with the following three CoEs: RAISE, CoeC, and HiDALGO. 

This session aims to bring together the Centers of Excellence in AI sectors to explain how HPC technologies can help AI. Several case studies will be presented on how AI is leveraging HPC technologies to solve real-live problems. Opportunities and challenges in the AI sector will be discussed, how the Centres of Excellence can help to tackle them thanks to HPC technologies and which opportunities are emerging. It is a good opportunity to get a common understanding of the ongoing activities within the different CoEs and foster collaboration opportunities, including education and training offered by Centres of Excellence.

The following session aims to bring together the Centers of Excellence in AI sectors to discuss about the opportunities and challenges in the sector, how the Centres of Excellence can help to tackle them thanks to HPC technologies and which opportunities are emerging. It is a good opportunity to get a common understanding of the ongoing activities within the different CoEs and foster collaboration opportunities. Register now


1.  FocusCoE Introduction

2.  CoEs

  • CoE RAISE – AI in Scientific Workflows on High-Performance Computers (Andreas Linterman) – 15 min

The presentation will provide an overview of the challenges tackled by CoE RAISE and bring examples from two use cases with simulation and data-processing background.

  • CoEC – AI for future energy system  (Temistocle Grenga) – 15 min

The presentation will provide an overview of CoEC and to show how AI is allowing to overcome problems from scientific applications that were not possible to attack with a theoretical models

  • HiDALGO – Generating directed Social Network Graphs (Christoph Schweimer) – 15 min.

The Social Networks (SN) Use Case in the HiDALGO project simulates the spread of information in SN such as Facebook or Twitter. Since the user data in these networks is highly sensitive and must be carefully taken care of, we developed a method to synthesize social network graphs, replicating several topological and algorithmic graph features on which information dissemination can be simulated.

3.  Panel Discussion

4.  Q&A


Temistocle Grenga (CoEC)

Temistocle Grenga is a group leader and researcher at the Institute for Combustion Technology (ITV) at RWTH Aachen University (Germany) since 2018. Previously he was at the University of Notre Dame (USA), where he received his PhD degree in aerospace and mechanical engineering, and at Princeton University (USA). His work focuses on numerical simulation and modeling of multiphase turbulent reacting flows. He coordinates ITV activities at CoEC.

Andreas Linterman (RAISE)

Lintermann coordinates CoE RAISE since 2020 and leads the Simulation & Data Lab “Highly Scalable Fluids & Solids Engineering” at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, since 2014. He received his diploma degree in computer science and his PhD degree in engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His group develops multi-physics codes in the field of engineering and combines them with novel AI technologies making use of modular supercomputing architectures.

Christoph Schweimer (HiDALGO)

Christoph Schweimer joined the Know-Center as a Data Scientist in 2019 to work in the HiDALGO project on AI-related tasks which support the workflow of the use cases. He received his M.Sc. in mathematics from the University of Salzburg in 2017.

Register now here: https://www.ai4media.eu/aicafe/ai-cafe-how-can-hpc-technologies-help-ai/

The International CAE Conference & Exhibition has a 36-year track record rendering it unique in the industry, where it is recognized as the richest, most intense and stimulating annual meeting of minds from all parts of the engineering simulation environment across industry and academia, the public and private sectors.

A dedicated HPC session titled “High Performance Computing, a key enabler for digital transformation” has been included on the programme. This session at the International CAE Conference will explore the most advanced algorithms and applications available to better leverage the huge computational capabilities of modern HPC systems.

EXCELLERAT & MaX are participating, FocusCoE has booked for them a common booth in the Exhibition area. In addition to the common booth in the exhibition area, EXCELLERAT is having a talk during the HPC session of the conference.

The event focuses on the diverse challenges that industrial users of HPC face, including complex programming codes, new technologies, licensing models, user support, and the organisation of workflows, among others. The Industrial HPC User Round Table provides information about current developments in high-performance computing and a forum for discussions between HPC users.