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Event Calendar

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EoCoE webinar: MLD2P4 – a Package of Parallel Algebraic MultiGrid Preconditioners for Scalable Linear Solvers

Current applications in Computational and Data Science often require the solution of large and sparse linear systems. The notion of “large” is qualitative and there is a clear tendency to increase it; currently, needing to solve systems with millions or even billions of unknowns is not unusual. To efficiently solve the above systems on high-end […]

EoCoE webinar: PDI – Introduction to the Portable data interface

Julien Bigot, tenured computer science researcher at CEA, will present the PDI data interface, a declarative API to decouple application codes from the Input / Output strategy to use. He will present its plugin system, which supports the selection of the best-suited existing IO library through a configuration file in each part of the code […]

EoCoE webinar: FTI : Using the state-of-the-art multi-level checkpointing library

Large scale infrastructures for distributed and parallel computing offer thousands of computing nodes to their users to satisfy their computing needs. As the need for massively parallel computing increases in industry and development, cloud infrastructures and computing centers are being forced to increase in size and to transition to new computing technologies. While the advantage […]

ISC2020: a digital event

ISC will offer a leaner version of the conference in digital form from June 22 to 24. It will be free so everyone in the HPC community can benefit from it.

Sustainable Energy Week

Codes and Software Packages

The Policy Conference is the biggest European conference dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders focus on sustainable energy issues, debate new policy developments, best practices and sustainable energy ideas. Next to the conference, the Networking Village brings the EUSEW Community together to forge […]

MAX webinar: HPC libraries for CP2K and other electronic structure codes

The Webinar will provide an accurate overview of the HPC libraries developed at CSCS in order to accelerate electronic structure code such as CP2K and Quantum ESPRESSO. These libraries are (1) DBCSR, (2) COSMA, (3) SpFFT and (4) SIRIUS). CSCS is working on several HPC libraries which can be adopted by electronic structure codes in order to run […]

Inclusive Leadership and Inspiring Action and Innovation

Is 2020 your year for improving equity, diversity and inclusion? Or the year that you hope your research team makes their big breakthrough? Are you hoping to get more out of your peers, colleagues and team? Diversity is now a buzzword that gets attention wherever you go, but actually embarking on a programme to hire […]

Hannover Messe: Digital Ecosystems

Support to Code Optimization

“Digital Ecosystems” is dedicated exclusively to creating the technological basis for this upcoming revolution. Why are the eyes of global industry focused on HANNOVER MESSE? Because this event covers all the technology of importance to them and because it is where key people in industry meet the people who enable the digital transformation! Not surprisingly, […]

Summer School on Effective HPC for Climate and Weather

Making effective use of HPC environments becomes increasingly challenging for PhD students and young researchers. As their primary intent is to generate insight, they often struggle with the technical nature of the tools and environments that enable their computer-aided research: computation, integration, and analysis of relevant data. The scope of the summer school is the […]