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The EuroHPC Summit Week 2022 will take place from 22 to 24 March in Paris, France. The conference will be hosted by GENCI, the French HPC agency, and organised by PRACE, the HPC-GIG project and ETP4HPC.
On Tuesday 22 March 2022 from 16:30 until 18:00h, FocusCoE project will host a session titled “European HPC CoEs: perspectives for a healthy HPC application eco-system and Exascale” involving 12 of 15 European Centers of Excellence or CoEs. The session will discuss the key role of CoEs in the EuroHPC application pillar, focussing on their impact for building a vibrant, healthy HPC application eco-system and on perspectives for Exascale applications.
16:30 – 16:50h Introductory presentation, Edouard Audit (HPC3 chair / EoCoE)
16:50 – 17:25h Round table 1 “Serving complementarity of application needs throughout the HPC Pyramid”, moderator: Edouard Audit (HPC3 chair / EoCoE)
17:25 – 17:55h Round table discussion 2 “Complex application workflows in the exascale era”, moderator: Edouard Audit (HPC3 chair / EoCoE)
17:55 – 18:00h Conclusions and farewell, Edouard Audit (HPC3 chair / EoCoE)
The following HPC CoEs representatives will take part in the round tables: BioExcel, ChEESE, CompBioMed, EoCoE, EsiWACE2, EXCELLERAT, HiDALGO, MaX, POP, TREX, NOMAD, PerMedCoE, CoEC, RAISE.
Register to this session here: https://events.prace-ri.eu/event/1214/page/140-registration
The website is operated as part of the CASTIEL 2 project. This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101102047. The JU receives support from the European Union‘s Digital Europe Programme and Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Austria, Estonia.