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ChEESE co-organises a virtual workshop called “First Joint CoEs Technical Workshop” with other Centers of Excellence EXCELLERAT and HiDALGO. This event, which takes place on 27-29 January 2021, is open to ChEESE, EXCELLERAT and HiDALGO partners. Invited members of other CoEs may also participate.
Several ChEESE partners present in this event:
Michael Bader (TUM) presents “Addressing load balancing challenges due to fluctuating performance and non-uniform workload in SeisSol and ExaHyPE” in the Load Balancing session of the workshop.
Soline Laforet (Atos) presents “Exascale Co-design Approach with the SeisSol Practical Case” in the Co-design session.
Giorgio Amati (CINECA) presents “Introduction by CINECA”.
Piero Lanucara (CINECA) presents “GPU Porting and strategies by ChEESE” and Marc de la Asunción presents ” The HySEA GPGPU development and its role in ChEESE project” in the GPU Porting session.