BigDFT is an electronic structure pseudopotential code that employs Daubechies wavelets as a computational basis, designed for usage on massively parallel architectures. It features high-precision cubic-scaling DFT functionalities enabling treatment of molecular, slab-like as well as extended systems, and efficiently supports hardware accelerators such as GPUs since 2009. Also, it features a linear-scaling algorithm that employs adaptive Support Functions (generalized Wannier orbitals) enabling the treatment of system of many thousand atoms. The code is developed and released as a software suite made of independent, interoperable components, some of which have already been linked and distributed in other DFT codes.
CoE: MaX
This website is created and maintained by the project FocusCoE. FocusCoE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nº 823964.