Insigneo Bone Tissue Suit (IBTS) This is a collection of modelling tools developed by the teams of Prof Marco Viceconti, Dr Shannon Li, and Dr Enrico Dall’Ara, at the Insigneo Institute at the university of Sheffield (UK), with the collaboration of Dr Francesc Levrero Florencio (Oxford), Prof Pankaj Pankaj (Edinburgh) and Prof Lee Margetts (Manchester). Starting from microCT or NanoCT datasets of bone tissue, the suit provides tools for: – MicroMesh: Automatic generation of Cartesian 8-node hexahedral finite element meshes from microCT data, using both homogenous, or density-based heterogeneous material mapping; – MicroFE: large-scale micro finite element solver, based on the ParaFEM library for large displacement, large strain, simulations of bone tissue micromechanics; – BoneDVC: Digital Volume Correlation code that computes the displacement field induced in bone tissue specimens subjected to staged compression. The Insigneo Bone Tissue Suit will enable a complete modelling and validation cycle on very largescale datasets generated with Sn-microCT with resolutions of up to 4000^3 voxels. The code is installed, optimised, and is accessible to any user with a valid account and CPU-time on the ShARC and Archer HPC systems.
CoE: ComBioMed
This website is created and maintained by the project FocusCoE. FocusCoE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nº 823964.