The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference, co-sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), will be held from July 5 to 8, 2021 at the University of Geneva (Uni Mail), in Geneva, Switzerland. A few HPC CoEs will participate in the following two symposia:

Performance Optimisation and Productivity for EU HPC Centres of Excellence (and all other European Parallel Application Developers Preparing for Exascale), Parts I and II

While parallel applications in all scientific and engineering domains have always been prone to execution inefficiencies that limit their performance and scalability, exascale computer systems comprising millions of heterogeneous processors/cores present a very considerable imminent challenge to be addressed for academia and industry alike.  Ten HPC Centres of Excellence are currently funded by the EU Horizon2020 programme to prepare applications for forthcoming exascale computer systems [].  The transversal Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence (POP CoE) [] supports the others, along with the wider European community of application developers, with impartial application performance assessments of parallel execution efficiency and scaling based on a solid methodology analysing measurements with open-source performance tools. This minisymposium introduces the POP services and methodology, summarising results provided to date for over 200 customers with particular focus on those from the HPC CoEs.  Engagements with the HPC CoEs will be reviewed in the introductory presentation, covering climate and weather (ESiWACE), chemistry and materials (BioExcel/MaX), and computational fluid dynamics in engineering (EXCELLERAT).  The CoEs for Computational Biomedicine (CompBioMed []), Solid Earth (ChEESE [])  and Energy-oriented applications (EoCoE []) will then report their experience of collaborating with POP in preparing their flagship codes for exascale. Organizer(s): Marta Garcia-Gasulla (Barcelona Supercomputing Center), and Brian Wylie (Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich) Click here to view the video message (Part I). Click here to view the video message (Part II).

Excellerat – Extreme CFD for Engineering Applications, Parts I and II

Computational fluid dynamics is one of the main drivers of exascale computing, both due to its high relevance in today’s world (from nano fluidics up to planetary flows), but also due to the inherent multiscale properties of turbulence. The numerical treatment is notoriously difficult due to the disparate scales in turbulence, and the need for resolving local features. In addition, aspects such as the quantification of (internal or external) uncertainties is becoming a necessity, together with in-situ visualisation/postprocessing. The recent trend in numerical methods goes towards high-fidelity methods (for instance continuous and discontinuous Galerkin) which are suitable for modern computers; however, relevant issues such as scaling, accelerators and heterogeneous systems, high-order meshing and error control, are still far from solved when it comes to largest scale simulations, e.g. in automotive and aeronautical applications. This two part minisymposium brings together eight experts from various international institutions (Europe, America, Japan) to discuss current and future issues of extreme scale CFD in engineering applications, with special focus on accurate CFD methods, and their implementation on current HPC systems. The interaction between participants of the Horizon2020 Centre of Excellence Excellerat and external experts will be particularly fruitful. Organizer(s): Philipp Schlatter (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), and Niclas Jansson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, RIKEN) Domain: Engineering